AI Virtual Agents

With XIVA any digital information or asset is yours just for asking

Give voice to your organization

48% of consumers are using voice for general web searches (Adobe).

Around the World

Over 3 Billion digital voice assistants are being used in devices around the world (statistica).

Augment Expertise

75% of workers have access to intelligent personal assistants to augment skills & expertise (IDC).

Always there & ready

63% percent of people prefer to message a chat bot vs. talk with a human when communicating with a business. (G2 Crowd).

Wherever you are

157 Million US households have smart speakers (NPR and Edison Research).


XIVA Listens

XI tailors a virtual agent to listen for your voice by leveraging AI services including Speech to Text, Natural Language Understanding, and the IBM Watson Assistant to build, train and deploy conversational interaction.


XI acts on your command to meet your custom needs by executing transactions, invoking web services, interacting with databases, orchestrating APIs, and taking whatever other online actions that may be necessary.

XIVA Delivers

XI delivers information on demand by connecting with digital asset repositories, and automatically interfacing with web sites, applications and systems to bring you the digital understanding in the form you want it via audio, video, photos, text, data visualization, and much more.

XIVA Speaks

XIVA, as the embodiment of your AI manifested through connected communication channels empowered by Text to Speech, becomes the online voice of the organization - a ubiquitous intelligent presence there when you need understanding in the moment. Now we are talking. Now we can speak for the business.



Creating a self-service, digital-first experience provides a competitive advantage.


Watson Assistant can be integrated into the channels used by most customers.


Watson adds capacity worth "easily 20 to 30" people.


Constant 24x7x365 automated coverage reduces time-to-resolution and provides help to customers when they need it.


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